ROTEM Decision Checker User Agreement

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This ROTEM calculator is served as a clinical decision aid and does not replace clinical judgement. Calculation outcome must be re-checked by healthcare professional and should not be used alone to guide patient care. It is the users' responsibility to ensure data entry of ROTEM result is accurate in order for the tool to provide reliable results.


This calculator is developed by Dr. Jun Jack Wong (GMC 7017779) as part of a QI project for Critical Care department, Aintree University Hospital in 2024. The code is written in html and javascript based entirely on the LUHFT Massive Haemorrhage Guideline without any deviation. There is no Artificial Intelligence involved in interpreting user input data.


This tool had been checked against at least 60 real ROTEM result (around 10% of annual ROTEM test sent in Aintree Hospital) during the pilot phase with human interpretation as comparison with robust accuracy result. This is with the help of Dr Imogen Watkins from Anaesthetic Department and Dr Rebecca Hughes from Critical Care department


This is a registered project under Research and Innovation department, Liverpool University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in July 2024. The project ID is 244. This web app qualifies as a decision aid and is not a medical device. The project has been reviewed by Mr Tristan Payne, Senior Innovation Manager at Liverpool University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Key stakeholders involved in the development process includes Clinical Governance Group, Critical Care deparmtent (Aintree), Anaesthesia department (LUHFT) and Transfusion Lead


This project is proudly sponsored by DayOne Trauma Support. DayOne Trauma Support helps fund the ongoing domain and hosting service to keep this service live. Once the initial funding runs out, usage statistic will be used to justify ongoing future funding from other sources.

Quality Control

This tool goes through quarterly random quality control testing by Dr Jun Jack Wong to ensure its ongoing validity based on latest trust ROTEM guidance.

Business Continuity

This decision checker is not part of a regular service provided by Liverpool University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and its service availability is entirely dependent on developer maintenance and commercial hosting service uptime. It is not the responsibility or obligation of any department in Liverpool University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to provide ongoing support or troubleshooting if this service is down.

Privacy and Data Policy

All data entered in the calculator is not stored nor submitted elsewhere. The website itself has built in visitor history tracker to provide insight into usage of this calculator to inform future funding.


This ROTEM calculator is developed with original code and should not be shared or reproduced without explicit permission.